...goes a long way, especially when I'm thinking about brands, brand management and the power of brands to build successful organizations and careers.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Watch out, I've got the blog flu?

Olivier Blanchard of the Brand Building Blog has sneezed on me as part of a experiment called the The Indie Virus. It's a test designed by another blogger to measure the effectiveness of a viral campaign among the non-top-100 bloggers. As a non-top-200,000 blogger, I'm honored to be among the subjects in this experiment.

Now I'll pass it on to a couple of blogs that have emerged recently, but are a blast to read:

The first is the evangelicalchurchblues blog by a friend and client of mine. As far as I'm concerned, this is the "I wish I would have said that" blog! If call yourself a Christian, be ready to be held accountable.

The next is the brand evangelist blog that I posted about a few weeks ago. I don't know where Aaron Dignan's blog rests on the pecking order, but I do know that he writes with skill and attitude that is honorable and admirable. And he's on fire about the value of brand.

Now, would someone pass me a tissue? (And thanks to mattie_shoes for the flickr photo.)

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Blogger Voice in the Wilderness said...

Thanks for the link, Mark! I appreciate the kind words & support!

3:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You've linked to my site instead of Aaron's...I want to make sure people are able to reach him. Thanks for participating!

6:13 PM

Blogger Mark True said...

Thanks. What would I do without the help of anonymous people fixing my mistakes?

6:36 PM

Blogger Blog Intro said...

This Blog will be Introduced on BlogIntro.com today!xl

11:46 AM


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